Saturday, July 25, 2009

Changes and Pictures

First, I am no longer e-mailing my blog. The reason is that it appears that no one reads my blog, and that is not true. It's just that everyone replies to the EMAIL instead of coming to the blog and posting comments HERE. So, I decided to no longer email. If I could find a way to email a simple notification, I'd do that, but I couldn't see that option anywhere.

In other news - gonna post some pics of Heathen number 2 now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hmmmm.......there ahould be pictures here....

but there aren't. I know that technically it's time to show off Heathen number 2. BUT - I'm tired AND the heathens are hungry! SO, instead I'm going to rush through a little "hello and I'm still alive" so that I can get off the computer and head to the grocery store real quick. I have to go get some potato chips, because you just can't have Sloppy Joe's without potato's just not DONE!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pictures - but no slideshow...................

I'm just going to say it is highly unlikely that I'll get around to figuring out the slideshow any time soon. I'm just too busy. So, I'm going to start with my baby right now. Heathen number 3. I'm just gonna spam my blog with beautiful blondeness........