Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back At The Library

Still waiting to get the computer fixed! So, at the library again to post. We have a friend (one of many from our internet community) sending us a power supply he happened to have lying around. Hopefully we'll get that soon and it'll fix the problem, and we'll be back in business!

In the meantime, we've survived the first week of school relatively unscathed. All the heathens had new principals this year, so things can get dicey, ya know. But, so far so good. There hasn't been any homework yet, so we're not completely "back into the groove" until we're managing homework AND chores every evening!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not Gonna Be Sharing Much For Awhile...

Well, we've had some trouble at our home. We had lots of rain last week, and some got into the circuit box outside. So, Tuesday night, from at least 4am until we got up at 7, everything plugged into a downstairs outlet was flashing off and on - including our computer! So, once it was all fixed, the computer will no longer turn on. Joy. So, until we can diagnose the specific problem and then be able to afford to repair it - I'll be making the infrequent posts from the public library!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Best Vampire Book Series EVER!

Okay, I just finished reading Breaking Dawn - the final book of the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. I have to say I'm absolutely in LOVE with this series! The writing is amazing, the characters unbelievable, the world so alive! So, if anyone is looking for gift ideas for me in the future - a box set of all 4 books when it's available would be AWESOME!

For anyone who hasn't read or even heard of this series - a quick explanation. I'll try to avoid anything remotely resembling a spoiler, because (as anyone who knows me well will attest) I really prefer to let everyone experience the whole story on it's own!. In Twilight - the first book of the series, you have Bella, a sun-loving daughter of a broken family essentially banishing herself to the relatively sun-free small town of Forks, Washington where her father lives. She's fairly miserable and has a pretty low self-esteem. She soon meets and becomes emotionally attached to a boy (and by extension his "family") who has some pretty big secrets.

The book has been marketed as Young Adult, but I know MANY adults who have fallen in love with this story - and for good reason. The author herself mentions on her website that she really just wrote this story for herself, not really expecting it to become the sensation that it did. Written for herself - a grown woman! Therefore, I can see why it might appeal to an older set than "Young Adult". Also, she's a Mormon, so the content is really clean until the last book - Breaking Dawn. And even then it's just a few mild words and the sexual content is extremely tame - nothing descriptive. More like the good old days in movies where they couple might kiss and head to the bedroom and then the screen fades to black....... You know what's happening - but she lets your imagination do the work ;)

Anyway - I love it! The final book was awesome, I am not in the least disappointed! Thank you to Stephenie for the wonderful world she shared with us, and I can't wait for Edwards book to hit the shelf (Edwards book is Twilight from the guy's perspective....)