Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're a fairly traditional family when it comes to holidays. While many we know are going away from the traditional Thanksgiving Dinner fare and experimenting with Mexican and Italian, we get very excited about our once-a-year-date with a large fowl, and the accompanying sides. This year, the 5 of us are at home by ourselves. I was very afraid of making way too much food, so I had each one of us pick our one favorite Thanksgiving dish. The turkey and rolls were non-negotiable, so the list started after those two.

Heathen number 3 chose deviled eggs. Heathen number 2 chose pumpkin pie. Heathen number 1 chose Broccoli, Rice and Cheese Casserole. I chose my mother's dressing. The CyberChaun chose mashed potatoes. So, there was our Thanksgiving menu. It came out very well!

I had a 21 pound bird (because that's all that was left at the store - I was aiming more in the 10-12 pound range, but oh well......we'll be eating turkey until Christmas.....)so we were looking at about a 5 hour roast. I planned to eat at around 4pm. But - I wasn't in the mood to stress, so whenever we ate - that was fine. So I just basically got the turkey in the oven at 10, then did what I felt like doing until after noon. Then I had the kids do as much of the preparation of their chosen dishes as they were capable of doing. I assembled my stuff, threw it all in the oven together when the turkey came out. Guess what time it was when the meal hit the table.........

It was 4pm on the NOSE. I'm just that good, yeah.........

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Heathen Numero UNO

I just realized a never posted the massive number of pictures I have of Heathen Number One! So, without further ado, let the adoration begin:

I will have more pics of all the heathens soon!

Pain is Not My Friend

I know it's been a while, and I should be ashamed. I thought I'd just poke my head and say HI! I've been dealing with a VERY achey tooth, and will be visiting a dentist on Thursday. In the meantime, it's just very difficult to focus through all the fuzz in my I'll try and pop back in afterwards and post something maybe slightly coherent.......