Monday, June 23, 2008

Yeah I know - it's been too long

So, it seems it's still hard for me to make time to post. I'll keep working on it, though. So, things are busy as usual. The Cyberchaun and Heathen number 1 are preparing to go on the church Youth Summer Camp. Which means I'M doing a lot of laundry and packing so that they have all they need. I've also been going through a lot of fabric - but that's something I'll talk about another day ;)

I did promise some pictures of awards and such, so that's what I'm doing today. First a picture of Heathen number 3 with her awards.

It's been too long now - I've slept a lot since then - so I can't remember all the awards she got. Obviously Math Wizard was one of them. I'm pretty sure that Sunshine was one as well - she's always happy (at school at least). Of course she got the Spirit Award - for wearing her uniform everyday (insert eyeroll here)

And now for Heathen number 2.......

Again, I can't remember all the awards. And I can't quite make out what that first one says......anyway - he got 5 of them.

That same day, Heathen number 3 and her Explorers group put on a play in the library. Here are some pics:

The blondie, of course, being mine. She was Little Red Riding Hood. I actually filmed it on my camera, but the quality is extremely poor, and I don't have a handy place to host it at the moment, so there :P

And now for Heathen number 1. We weren't able to go to her school awards due to work. She got an academic award and a Sports award. But we DID make it to her DukeTIPS award ceremony, and here is a pic from after the ceremony, and then one from around the UNT campus where it was held:

There are actually more pictures - of all the kids - but they are all on The Cyberchan's phone, and he has yet to pass them on to me :s

So that's it for today. I need to eat lunch and then get back to the laundry. It never ends..........

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