Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Baby's Back!

Heathen number 1 went to church camp this last week. She was gone from Sunday until last night, and I MISSED HER SO MUCH! Not just because I had to live a week without a babysitter (although that sucked.) I missed her silly nonsequiters. I'm pretty sure I misspelled that - but the spell check doesn't even have the correct word to offer me, so I'm leaving it. I missed her hugs. I missed watching movies with her. I just missed her.

But, on the upside - she didn't call home ONCE during the whole week! It's awesome that she seems to be overcoming her anxiety! But, she's home now - and I'm so glad! So, even though she didn't go to bed until around 2am this morning, I dragged her out of bed for buttermilk pancakes this morning. Then I proceeded to drag her all over Dallas running errands. She at least enjoyed the opportunity to talk non-stop about all the things that happened at camp! And I enjoyed hearing about it all, of course ;) But now she's gone to bed before me - before midnight! That, like, NEVER happens! I guess camp and this morning caught up with her ;) And life has caught up with me. She's not beating me to bed by much.....I'll be there in T-minus 15 minutes and counting.........

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