Monday, May 12, 2008

A Twofer

Hmmm.......two posts in one day. Likely to be followed by a dearth of posts for a few days or so. Did I clean today? Yes I Did - quite a bit. Got a little delayed by running out of laundry detergent and having to run to the store. Also by Guild Wars, Guitar Hero III (the good news is that I unlocked another achievement - Axe Grinder, for 5-starring all the songs on easy...... ) and Oblivion. But even so I managed to get 3 loads of laundry, the living room and office cleaned. Not too very bad......

So thing I failed to mention earlier is that - yesterday was my baby's birthday! My youngest heathen turned 7 years old this year on Mother's Day - my very special and precious Mother's Day gift. I have a special relationship with each of my kids, based on their own unique personalities and how they relate to mine. But my special connection to this one started much earlier - in the womb. See, when I was in my first trimester with her, I had some bad spotting with cramping. It being my third child I was enough of a pregnancy veteran to not fall into complete panic, but I was concerned enough to go see my doctor. The doctor (a new one that hadn't delivered my previous children) made all the usual noises about sexual activity sometimes causing mild spotting, and that all looked "fine." Well, two days later the cramping was worse and the spotting wasn't letting up. I wasn't feeling "fine" so I went to the ER. Good thing, because they quickly found that the fetus was trying to abort. So, I was put on strict bed rest for the rest of the trimester. I spent many days lying in bed begging God not to take this precious child away from me. She wasn't planned, but she was definitely wanted! I firmly believe that those months of living every day in fear of losing her created an unusual bond between us. When she was a newborn she'd stare into my eyes, and I'd swear she had a knowledge of what we'd endured together.

Now she's 7 years old, smart as a whip - particularly gifted in math, although she reads very well, too. And she's beautiful! I'll have to post a picture of her soon - maybe some from her birthday party.....that no one came to :( But that might be something for another blog....or not - who knows ;)



This is about a year old - I'll have some newer ones next time!

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